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2 Bible Verses in 40 Characters


2 bible verses and a name are scrimshawed with black ink in 40 super-fine Chinese characters, each measuring about 1mm square on this hand-carved button. The base material is unknown, with a clear protective shield that appears to be celluloid. The button is about 28 mm long, 9 mm wide.


2 bible verses are scrimshawed with black ink in 40 super-fine Chinese characters, each measuring about 1 mm square on this hand-carved button, 28 mm long, 9 mm wide. The clear protective shield appears to be celluloid.

2 bible verses and a name are scrimshawed with black ink in 40 super-fine Chinese characters, each measuring about 1mm square on this hand-carved button. The base material is unknown, with a clear protective shield that appears to be celluloid. The button is about 28 mm long, 9 mm wide . . .

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The first bible verse is Epistle to the Philippians 2-5.
“and think the same way that Christ Jesus thought”
(English translation: from Contemporary English Version on

The second bible verse is First Epistle to the Thessalonians 5: 16-17.
Always be joyful. Never stop praying.”
(English translation: from New Living Translation on

The last line (reading vertically from the right, the last 3 characters on the left) says Pastor/Priest Yi (伊牧師). The historical circumstances surrounding this button are yet to be uncovered.

2 bible verses and a name are scrimshawed with black ink in 40 super-fine Chinese characters, each measuring about 1mm square on this hand-carved button. The base material is unknown, with a clear protective shield that appears to be celluloid. The button is about 28 mm long, 9 mm wide . . .

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