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Polar Bear on Baleen


… Native carvers also carve using baleen as a carving material. Baleen is a material that comes from the large filter-feeding whales, such as the Bowhead, Humpback and other large whales. Baleen is the same type of material as human fingernails, animal hoofs and horns. Baleen had uses other than a carving medium.

Corset, 18th century: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, public domain

Whalers saved the baleen plates for use as umbrella ribs and corset stays. In coastal areas of Alaska, baleen had more practical use as a lashing material and dog sled runners (Marine Fisheries Review, 1976). Carvers obtain the baleen plates from hunters in the Eskimo whaling communities. The baleen is cleaned after which scenes of various kinds are etched across the outer surface.
Baleen will be used as inlay occasionally on buttons.

– based on the WRBA 2006 Sept Article “Native American Arts & Crafts Part II–Beads, Pottery, Ivory and Unexpected”
by Vicky Mayhall :

Whale Song by Oceania Project on YouTube
Whale Song Video by Oceania Project

button by Arnold Kayutak
Joy Journeay collection.

See other baleen buttons and articles on WRBA

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